Word Up - September 18th

This past week there have been a number of great articles released which has made me wonder we haven't done this until now... So, here's a new instalment to the Welcome Blog, this week's and interviews and articles that peaked our interest, rounded up. - FG

The Chrome Ball Incident #84 - Jerry Hsu

Chops sits down with Jerry Hsu delivering another after black interview hammer for The Chrome Ball Incident. Discussing all manner of things from Jerry's amazing part from enjoi's Bag Of Suck, Matt Eversole barking orders of nollie backside heelflips, filming for the next instalment of Emerica's MADE along with giving some insights into best friend Kevin 'Spanky' Long and his comeback and corresponding part we're very excited to see. Tiltmode's influence on enjoi skateboards, MJ leaving for Chocolate and Jerry's more recent departure to the Crailtap camp are all also brought up so take some time out of your day for another in Eric Swisher's long line of outstanding interviews.

Get Chrome Balled by clicking HERE or the below image of Jerry's insane switch Ollie from Bag Of Suck.

Jerry Hsu,Switch Ollie, Photo: Whiteley.

The Tim O'Connor Show Episode 7: Bill Strobeck

Tim O'Connor & Bill StrobeckSince debuting earlier this year, Tim O'Connor's Jenkem hosted podcast has quickly become one our favourite of ours. From sparing no details of Austyn Gillette's rogue encounter with girls in Berlin, Brian Wenning burning off tattoos, Alex Olson discussing being Alex Olson along with the previous Gonz two-parter; Tim's performance as an interviewer has improved every time and consistently gets funny, interesting and sometimes unbelievable information out of his guests. The latest in the series is no exception with Tim and Bill Strobeck sitting down to talk all things Supreme and Fucking Awesome, the origin's of the 'Fat Bill' nickname, younger years at LOVE Park and getting his first camera jacked by a Method Man looking hobo. As expected, there's whole lot of cherry discussion that doesn't disappoint and is apparently going to be elaborated on in part two which is also set to feature a few questions from Jason Dill.


Sidewalk Magazine Issue 223

Sidewalk Mag's second online issue launched this past Monday. Kicking off with a Santa Cruz and Creature Skateboards tour feature, as the week has gone we've also been given a Guilt By Association with Curtis Pearl and Jake Church, Jake Humpries' First Light, a Working Class Hero giving a look at the inner workings of cheese making with Joe Ventham and rounding off the week; Haunts with Huddersfield's resident handrail slayer/Sean Pablo wannabe - Robert Rooney Woodward. Click the below image of this month's cover hosting Mark Stern giving a Brighton bump to bar a pop in the pissing down rain to get redirected. Part two coming next month!

Sidewalk Issue 223

Sick of Rich Girls: Quotes Over the Years - Volume 3.

Skateboarding-talking shitThe bringer of 'Monday Links', creator of the best Dunk of recent years and New York's main outlet for TF Reports, bad hip hop praise and hashtag humour, Quartersnacks reached it's tenth anniversary this month. With this comes a recollection of some of QS' favourite 'Quotes of the Week' and whilst not an interview per se, is too much of an amusing read not to include here. Furthermore, the TF at 1 - Ten Years of Quartersnacks hardback books will be making their way to UK shores eventually, we'll let you know more when we do.

"Who's gonna be the face of Zero now that Chris Cole left?"

"They don't need a face, the got a skull."

 Sidewalk Magazine - Dennis McGrath Talks 'Heaven'

While not part the aforementioned Issue 223, this web feature from Sidewalk Magazine comes from our good friend and once Leeds local turned Sidewalk web slinger Jono Coote. During the last Bright Tradeshow in Berline, Jono took some time out to discuss Dennis McGrath's book 'Heaven' which you may have seen doing instagram rounds over the last few months. If you're unfamiliar with it, the book chronicles infamous ex-Alien Workshop rider Lennie Kirk and his transition from professional skateboarder to born again Christian and sadly, criminal. Click the below images of Lennie to get some insight into Heaven before purchasing a copy from Dennis' web store. Massive props for this one Jono!
