Skateshop Roundup 2021 - Tuesdays

Skateshop Roundup 2021 - Tuesdays

We present to you a yearly roundup not by us but by our friends (competition), yearly roundups can be contentious content at best, a mere list to flog leftover stock or designed to push you the consumers onto a brands website page. This list unlike above is done by our friends/competitors over at some of our favourite skate shops in the UK. 2021 has been another weird year. Read below, agree, disagree and shout at your screen keyboard warrior.

Tuesdays may be the youngest store (opening in 2016) we hit up for the list, the owner Stefan has been providing the people of Bolton and the North West at-large with top tier air fresheners, memes and more importantly skateboards.


Best thing about 2021?
Organising a few events without restrictions was a relief, being able to get the extended crew together. Death Race in Queens Park was probably the highlight as that was Summer time and always a good laugh and people are keen both participating and spectating!
Favourite shop lurker?
Dom Mendy has brought a nice angle of entertainment in-store since opening back up. It started off him popping in grabbing a few bits to being a full time lurker with extended crew. He's good for starting up controversial debates whether that be based around music or his dreams of a Nike/Adidas collab (illegal suggestion). Honourable mention to the O.G's Danny, Alex & Adam.
Also there's a Hungarian Homeless dude called Raymond who passes by every day and I try to have something to hand to sort him out with on each visit from socks to food to change, but one day he passed through on a day I'd been given a bottle of AU. It only seemed right to pass the gift on to Raymond, he was buzzing! So much so he just strolled into the shop still smoking his joint to inspect the bottle.
Best Board graphic of the year?
Best Shoe of the year?
Any Half Cabs
UK skateboarder of the year?
Kyle Wilson
Best Video of the year?
Bronze ***THE REUBEN***
Local Skatepark hero of the year?
Jamie Blears. Guys non-stop. He's just had a kid too but seems to have shifted up a gear amongst all else he has going on, always doing new stuff.
Best Instagram fodder of the year?
The best shop quote?
"So you like, buy it cheaper and sell it on?"
Best collab?
The Bronze X NB# which got pulled.
Most skated spot?
Yikes, I've not made it far from the park in a while. Quite a few heads have been heading Leeds way and also the P.U.M.F D.I.Y in an undisclosed location.
The thing you’ve done more than skateboarding?
Meme creation.