Skate Like A Girl - Nike SB

Skate Like A Girl x Nike SB

When these big old Nike SB Dunk releases happen sometimes the collaborative story behind the shoe can go unnoticed, with this in mind we've put together some key bits of "research" so you can get to know Seattle's non-profit organisation Skate Like A Girl a little better.

Over the past 20 years Skate Like A Girl has promoted, created and fostered inclusive skate safe spaces for women and/or trans people in the US. As the organisation has grown so has there 'Chapters' found in Seattle, Portland and the San Francisco Bay Area all of which hold the missions, values and visions that S-L-A-G are founded on. 

MISSION :"To create an inclusive community by promoting confidence, leadership, and social justice through skateboarding." 

VISION : "Empower skaters, especially young women and/or trans people, to grow into strong, confident leaders who promote and implement social equity."

VALUES : "We value experiential learning and civic participation, by providing opportunities to be involved in the skateboarding community."


The Skate Like A Girl Nike SB Dunk Low lends itself to atypical collegiate styling which they've adopted through their Wheels of Fortune competition found in the corduroy burgundy's and off-white colourway. As for the shoe the crew opted for a traditional skinnier stripped back blazer tongue and chose the staple suede upper for the best skate-ability possible. 

For more information on the organisations work hit up their website here -


Nike SB and @Skate Like A Girl proudly present “Transenders”, a film exploring how the power of community allows you to be your true self, overcome failure, and transcend fear.