Landscape Skateboards - Snowy Remix

Snowy footage is timeless, so this remix by Joe Gavin is a midweek treat.

Snowy Remix from Landscape Skateboards on Vimeo.


“Daniel “Snowy” Kinlock was the reason Fos started this small British skateboard company some 13 years ago. He didn’t really fit the heroin vibe at the time so Fos came up with Landscape. Since then Snowy has smashed it all over the world travellelling far and wide logging moves for portraits, horizons and a number of other projects. So it’s a real shame but snowy is moving on as he continues to smash it with his photography, he decided he wanted to call it a day. Everyone here at Lanners would like to say thanks to snowy for his work over the years, some classic boards,parts and nights out to be remembered! Wish you all the best our kid, I guess we need a new pro?…”