Interview : Richard 'French' Sayer

Interview : French x Welcome x Screw

We talked to Richard 'French' Sayer about his ongoing work, DUNGEON and collaborations before his upcoming exhibition at our friends Screw Gallery.

How busy are you right now?

Things are good, I’ve been busy all year really. So I can’t complain at all. Just wanting to get some glass paintings done for the exhibition at Screw and I have a few other projects I’m working on at the same time. I think I have 4 or 5 projects for other brands at the moment.  I’ve also got some ideas for new DUNGEON stuff to get out before mid November. I’m always working on Freelance stuff, my own artwork and DUNGEON stuff at the same time. 

Have you ever been forced to describe your style of work? Has anyone ever asked you to draw something nice or cute?

People like to describe my work to me. Which can be funny, cos I think everyone see’s something different to what I see. My work is nice and cute!!

Your Video City series with Heroin Skateboards took a lot of inspiration from Warhammer as well as Fantasy art, what are your earliest memories and influences from those genres?

My brother ’Sick Tim’ is super into Warhammer, D&D and stuff like that. I was always super into Fighting Fantasy Books, I couldn’t read until I was kind of old, so Tim used to read them to me and we use to roll the dice to decide the destiny and I would try and draw the covers. 

You’ve worked with lots of skate brands over the years but at what point did D&D meet with your work and Death Saves?

I guess I did stuff for Death Saves about 4 years ago and gradually did a few more pieces for them. I don’t really see it as D&D it's more that I liked general fantasy stuff and metal album artwork. So it came from that more than D&D itself. I had a few Roger Dean books and books about how to make Fantasy Art when I was at school. 

At what point did you art jump to Dungeon Gateway?

I just made a zine and called ‘DUNGEON’ and it was just after I stopped making ‘Witchcraft’. I made some patches and stickers that were with the zine and I think people assumed it was a brand. I made a shirt to go with it and then some skaters asked to ride for ‘DUNGEON’ but its not really a brand out a company its just whatever I want to make with my artwork on. 

Are there any brands that you’ve not got to work with yet? 

I don’t really think like that, its more what would be rad to do.  I’d really like to design the inside of restaurant or a theme park or a restaurant in a theme park. You know how Burger places in the 80’s had all these big fibreglass figures of like a hotdog or an ice cream, I’d love to make that. I just like working with fun people. 

Why Funeral French? Do you ever think you’ll just go by your full name?

Funeral French was just my email address, cos me and Alan Glass made ‘Funeral Fog’ so it was from that. Then I did work for ‘Creature’ and Lee put it out as ‘Funeral French’ so I didn't actually choose to use it.  I don’t think I’ve ever actually called myself ‘Funeral’ if anyone asked my name, it just tended to be an easy instagram name cos it matched my email. My nickname is ‘French’ so I don’t need to be adding to it really. Which again, I never called myself French, I just called it when I was 12 and it stuck. 

What’s your worst nightmare?


Where can people find more of you? 
